
Showing posts from July, 2017


Mistake is bad big mistake is a disaster doesn't matter big or small: I don't like it! in fact: I need it! sigh!  I need the mistake to TEACH me the LESSONs that I don't like... if I would choose: I would never take this lesson human compositions "auto-registered" me for this lesson and...this is the tougher lessons ever...there's no way I can pass this lesson unless...God hands in Recent years... I learned a new pattern of mistake! Mistake ON after BIG achievement seriously?! oh, Mr. Mistake! why are you positioning yourself in that specific time when i suppose to celebrate my achievement?! so bad! I hate mistake! it cut off my joy! it replaces with regrets! sigh! I have much hard time dealing with the mistake ----------------------- but....Hey!!! what a second!!! it seems that God likes it! God is happy with this element... let me bring you down to something real

Calvin's Big Bold Prayer

Beginning this year... our senior Pastor led us to learn... #1  to trust God for the impossible #2  to be ready and align with God's answer through Big Bold Prayer request a thought came to my mind... it's gonna be wonderful if we journey together with Calvin and Rebecca so i bought special paper and envelope let's do it in kids' fun way then i pray... God i don't know how to make them understand this i need your wisdom to lead this kids in this journey i need your mercy for us to experience You in this journey --------------------- a few weeks after that... I shared that with Calvin & Rebecca then we sit down together at the table to think . discuss . write our own big bold prayer the kids were puzzled with their request... so much to ask for and everything seems to be important their request are more for books, toys and special holiday 😄😄😄 quite tough to share what is important coz for them those stuff are important for their

a prayer has been answered

We experience this ---> click here! .  together with Calvin so we've been praying to God for opening the door of opportunities for Calvin to explore-expose-experience himself just like Rebecca ------------- we don't how we just keep praying ------------- yesterday... a teacher approached him during recess time when he was talking to his friend...and....asked him if he can do the announcement for health...and...immediately he said Yes! this is unlike Calvin! He as a very confident boy but last year he withdrew himself out of the spotlight and rejected every opportunity that came to him Rebecca was the other end...she allows herself to be exposed and explored in many ways we've been praying for Calvin for quite some times . praying that God makes him bold . praying that God gives him opportunities just like Rebecca . praying that Calvin grows the confidence in him again by God's grace... the opportunity has been giv

Daddy in the eye of his daugther
