
Showing posts from May, 2013

Great Lesson

the Lesson I learn from the circumstances that i face! Holy Spirit gave me understanding that... "God deal with every single person in the circumstances with LOVE" then i asked my MIND... . ON and ON . everytime it trouble me . until I'm FREE "why you TROUBLE me so much...leads me to cursing and demanding PUNISHMENT for the other parties?!...They are God's children too...He love us dearly...He will TEACH *instead of PUNISH* in His Way with His TENDER & GENTLE Love! so STOP trouble me!...i won't feed you no longer! May the Love of The Lord fill my mind and my heart...and...makes me sincerely praying for the goodness of the Lord for me and my friends" theeeeeeen...i got the TRULY the MIND and HEART! advice from Joyce Meyer: "We cannot always control all our circumstances, but we can control ourselves with God's help."

Cerita Opung Posma Tobing!

Opung Tobing ini hubungannya ama Torkis kek gini Mereka keluar dari Opung Borunya 3 generasi di atas Torkis *WoooHooo!* Opung ke Spore untuk operasi batu di empedu *klo gak salah* Operasi berhasil. Recovery baik. Opung sudah diijinkan dokter pulang ke Indo Hari dimana Opung pulang ke Indo... Jam 2 Pagi...Opung kena stroke! Istrinya ingat muka mamanya Torkis...dia ingat klo anaknya Mamak ada di Mamak di telp dan akhirnya kita tau kita bener" diberkati...spending time selama seminggu lebih bersama keluarga Opung Tobing ini... . istri yang setia menjaga dengan kasih sayang . anak" yang hormat dan penuh kasih sayang pada orang tua . hubungan kakak beradik Opung Tobing dan keluarga istrinya yang sungguh" luar biasa... . mereka datang bergantian dari Indo . mereka bgitu mengasihi satu dengan yang lain kasih sayang diantara mereka itu bgitu rich...sampe buat aku speechless...aku ini udah berulang kali mendampingi orang" sakit..

Sunday Story...

Last Sunday we went to church with Ps. Bessie's family When we headed to church... Vasyha a girl with great responsibility holding her sister's hand IMMEDIATELY! . Calvin grab Rebecca's hand and walking side by side . Rebecca walking nicely and let her abang to hold her hands we have tried to teach both of them to do the same thing but what happen is... . Calvin such an active boy, always teasing her sister . Rebecca never trust her hand to be hold by her abang bcoz of the 'teasing' thing when both of them saw Vasya and Allyshia walking together... IMMEDIATELY : they copy it! Mommies was walking after them with a smile adoring how Vasyha & Allyshia set a good example for Calvin & Rebecca. Praise the Lord!

Calvin .Birthday Party .Construction Worker

Calvin udah planning semuanya untuk Birthday dia…setiap hari dia ceritakan apa yang ada dalam pikiran dia…on and on again! Sabtu lalu… Waktu jalan pulang dari reading club ke rumah…kita lewat 1 block yang dibawahnya *lantai 1* ada beberapa construction worker yang tidur…keliatan nyenyak sekali…walopun gak nyaman Calvin: “Mommy why are they sleeping in here?!” Mom: “They don’t have enough money to buy a bed and their place is so far away they can’t go home just to sleep and get back to work again” Calvin: “but mommy it’s not comfy at all” Mom: “Calvin now you have to learn to give thanks to the Lord, He bless you with a house, a bed to sleep on, food whenever you are hungry but not those people, they works so hard but they earn little money” Calvin: “oh yeah!” Ini pertama kalinya aku liat Calvin kek tersentuh gitu…anak yang aktif itu tiba" jadi diam...dia kek sadar…tapi rasa sedih buat para construction worker lebih besar Mom: “so what do you think? What c