Calvin's 3rd Birthday

...Thank you Jesus for gave us the best gift ever 3 years ago...
...He is gorgeous Jesus...
...May your wisdom come upon us every single day to teach him in your ways...


nie said…
Happy birthday, Calvin!! May The Lord guides your life always :)
teano said…
Amiiiiiiiiin...Thank u auntie...
fany said…
Happy B'day Calvin!!
Semoga jadi anak yang takut Tuhan selalu...
(Love to see his' praying picture's . Looks like not a 3 years old boy...)
fany said…
Happy B'day Calvin!!
Semoga jadi anak yang takut Tuhan selalu...
(Love to see his' praying picture's . Looks like not a 3 years old boy...)
lenje said…
Ini ucapan very, very belated birthday buat Calvin! :)

Apa kabar Ria? God bless you and the whole family yaa... :))
Yulian said…
happy "very" belated bday Calvin :)
may God bless you always!!

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