I can’t stop crying because of this video... The girl is... . Lack of nutrition . Lack of daily care . Stink . Cannot walk and talk . Blind None of these things are fit to the world beauty No body wants her She is hopeless The man sees her and said she is beautiful SHE IS BEAUTIFUL BECAUSE I AM HER FATHER !!! thinking of a SINNER! . I’m blind . I have no wisdom . I’m covered in sin . I’m hopeless My ABBA Father sees me beautiful... . NOT because who I am . BUT because who He is He is my FATHER! SIN makes me ugly to the world SIN makes me unworthy The world only wanting to destroy me in my ugliness GRACE makes me beautiful in God’s eyes GRACE makes me worthy God gives me great love and life eternally when I’m ugly He adopted me in my ugliness He loves the underserved me He will never forsake me in His love That’s my future That’s m...
Father and Son on PIMPLES
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Calvin stepped into “teen” earlier than his age and as the result his physical growing ahead than others...including... the pimples! Torkis stand by his side on “the identity crisis” time and journey together with his struggle as Britney Spears put this identity issue in this way “I’m not a boy, not yet a man” Let’s see what Calvin have in “his pocket” . The only pimple boy in the class . Friends ask many questions . Questions that he himself is struggles with . People stare . Friends started “calling names” on him . He doesn’t like what he sees in the mirror . He is confuse . WHY is constant on his mind Many people cares for him and concern about his pimples... so are we as his parents that love him so much... Torkis lead on in the way that i never understood before... Let’s see how Torkis stay by his side... . It is normal Calvin . Your hormones change . It is part of the growing . Growing up is God’s blessing ———— temporary vs eternal . Pimple...
Calvin follow his FEAR and found...?
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Calvin registered for a test a few months ago The information that we got that the test is on general knowledge and he doesn’t need to prepare anything, basically the students need to have a strong skill in math Calvin was busy with practicing for PSLE until the day we were on the way to the school for the test and he started to realize he doesn’t have any preparation for the test at all...literally ZERO! anyway just like they said: no need preparation We need to take bus-train-bus to reach the school. The anxiety poking him all the way...makes him feel uneasy...scared...frightened... I tried not to respond to his anxiety and makes him relax but as much as I try...nothing works...the anxiety just grow bigger and overwhelm him On the last bus...we took the seat at the back of bus despite the fact that not many people in the bus... I guess those seats helped him to ease his anxiety... little that i expect... The anxiety so much in him until he got frustrate...
Marking 12 years of...
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I made the decision to be a full time homemaker ...when the salary was far from enough ...when i was excited built my own career this is not the journey between me and my children this is the journey between me and my God # Me : lack of faith, crying sorrowful, begging for this and that, one mistake after another, fighting with my own pride, crying over my own decision, jealously, struggle with my identity, ... basically: nothing good in me in this journey! # God: He always there for me! ... at times my lack of faith made me felt that He leave me He hears my cries times when I felt He forsaken me He satisfied me with HIS good things ... at times when I want to satisfy me with MY good things He answered my prayer in HIS way ... at times when I want He answers me in MY ways -------------------------------------- I cannot testify I was strong! NO! I was broken all the way! -------------------------------------- It was GOD w...
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looking back to the past one hot afternoon...the school’s bell just ringing and the kids made their way out from the school Calvin approached me with frown in his face and i tried to guess what had happened C : “I’m failed for Chinese” He looked at my face intently and waiting for my response I'm sure he scared of me more than the marks itself 😂😂😂 get scolding is not fun! at all! me: “Well...Congratulations buddy! I’ll treat you lunch for that” Calvin gave me the unbelievable look He repeated his message to me slowly with a firm tones C: “Mommy! I FAILED for Chinese!” He didn’t take his eyes from my face me: “Yeah i know...Let’s go for lunch at *Junction 8” *the mall near our place Calvin still puzzled with my response...he tried different way to tell me...he lean closer to my ear and whisper the same massage C: “mommy...i failed Chinese” I whisper...
a Notes for me to my ME
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"Life begins at 40!" Ever since I knew this quote…I’m looking forward for 40! I set my expectation for what will happen when I’m 40 and I work on it! study hard! study higher! joined the leadership training here and there! Storing every experience that I think I need for my 40! just to prepare ME for my 40! In my dream…I am a successful career woman at my 40 In my dream…I have a list of material possession at 40 In my dream…I have picture of network that I have at 40 In my dream…I have a special lifestyle at 40 In my dream…I have many things to expect for Oh, Yes! I’m so ready for my 40! I’m 40 today! And none of my dream comes true Even that dream has been shut off many years ago! I expect my life begin at 40 in MY WAYs! I Thank God that it is NOT happening in that way…in MY WAYs! It is happened in GOD’s WAY! I’m 40 today! I have no monthly income I have no career path to climb I have no great possession for m...
Notes from Hospital
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Anther Lessons from Hospital Ministry… Year after year… . I saw people crying over their health . I saw people grieving over diagnose . I saw the hopeless in the face of cancer I found many blessed facts #1 Those who grieve the most after diagnosed are those who have HEALTHY lifestyle . eating healthy . regular exercise . good sleeping pattern . less stress . etc They thought they deserve the best health! when cancer strike they cannot face the reality! Doctor find no answer on it! #2 Those who have a grateful attitude will have their peace reserved during the storm Yes, they are crying over the facts, they are scared too But, they don’t quickly react to the circumstances by immediately changing the eating habit or sleeping pattern in And, they are “cool” in the face of disaster #3 Those who care so much about what they eat and drink, those who have so many “rules” for their health are those group of people who have a high risk ...