looking back to the past

one hot afternoon...the school’s bell just ringing and the kids made their way out from the school
Calvin approached me with frown in his face and i tried to guess what had happened

C : “I’m failed for Chinese”

He looked at my face intently and waiting for my response
I'm sure he scared of me more than the marks itself πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
get scolding is not fun! at all!

me: “Well...Congratulations buddy! I’ll treat you lunch for that”

Calvin gave me the unbelievable look
He repeated his message to me slowly with a firm tones

C: “Mommy! I FAILED for Chinese!”

He didn’t take his eyes from my face

me: “Yeah i know...Let’s go for lunch at *Junction 8” 
                      *the mall near our place

Calvin still puzzled with my response...he tried different way to tell me...he lean closer to my ear and whisper the same massage

C: “mommy...i failed Chinese”

I whispered back to him

me: “i know”

Calvin followed me to the mall
I ordered his fave food and on the top of it i bought coke 
(the rule: soft drink only once a week and only on the weekend)

He looked at the food with a big question mark on his face

This is the meals for A mark! not for a failure!

me: “OK now listen...i’m sure you won’t enjoy your fave food and drink unless i’m telling you...why”

I looked at him eye to eye...

me: “Congratulations Calvin! the big deal is you failed! I’m worry if you success all the time”

C: —————

#1 Failure give an opportunity depend your life to God
#2 Failure teach you about your real identity are nothing without God
#3 Failure helps to
...reshape your heart from proud shape to a humble shape

Calvin’s face change...i guess for a good reason

me: “I thank God for given you the opportunity to experience failure”

he failed Chinese after he scored 100 for math at his report book...i can see how precious is the failure after the success colored his pride

Failure teach you a great lesson
Success gives you a pleasant taste of life

we need success and failure in our life!

If you are able to see failure from God’s side then you will be able to give thanks in all circumstances! rejoice always! ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

because you find a greater reason to be happy

the reason you give thanks
the reason you rejoice
no longer for success and failure...but GOD!

Peace that God gives have greater taste from the sweet taste of success and the bitter taste of failure

Calvin finally at “rest”
He enjoys his food and drink after all

it was not my failure experiences
it was not my life experiences
it was God!!!
who shaped me and changed me be able to give that "cool" response to Calvin
I don’t know how far this message goes into him
I don’t know how long this message stays in him
I don’t know how strong this message will sustain him

one thing i know...
i seized the opportunity to plant the seed:
. the seed of true identity
. the seed of pure peace

It is God’s part to lead his way to experience and understand God

He might experience another failure
He might fall in the face of failure
He might fail to rejoice always

after all...he need it! I need it!
maybe you need it too πŸ˜„πŸ˜‰

obedience is NOT the way to gain success
obedience is the way to pleasing God’s heart

Hello Mr. Failure!
nice to know you πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸΌ


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