Marking 12 years of...

I made the decision to be a full time homemaker
...when the salary was far from enough
...when i was excited built my own career

this is not the journey between me and my children
this is the journey between me and my God

lack of faith, crying sorrowful, begging for this and that, one mistake after another, fighting with my own pride, crying over my own decision, jealously, struggle with my identity, ...
basically: nothing good in me in this journey!

He always there for me! times my lack of faith made me felt that He leave me
He hears my cries times when I felt He forsaken me
He satisfied me with HIS good things times when I want to satisfy me with MY good things
He answered my prayer in HIS way times when I want He answers me in MY ways

I cannot testify I was strong!
NO! I was broken all the way!
It was GOD who strong and strengthened me!
The strength in me belong to God
I cannot testify that God answer my prayers!
I can testify now that God DIDN’T answer my prayers!
...for 1 reason: the best way to grow is growing to be MORE LIKE HIM!
...this growing satisfy me in the way I never understood and appreciated before
I said earlier: nothing good in me in this journey
The only good thing in me is God!
and now I can say: ALL GLORY to GOD!
Looking back it was God
Looking forward I want God

Marking 12 years of my motherhood journey
Marking 12 years of my life with Jesus as a wife, a mother, a homemaker
Marking 12 years of they journey of grace


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