
2 malam yang lalu aku sempat ikutin session the apprentice pas wes and maria was fired.

Nonton the apprentice sometimes ngubek" emosi juga....apalagi saat liat jen 'stealing credits from the judges'...hhhwwuuueee....kesel banget...sampe mikir ini orang 'muka tembok' juga yaa...ini kan online di tipi kok masih bisa"nya playing unfair gitu...

Selama discussion progress....jen itu kayak bolot....selalu gak nyambung dan selalu bertanya ini dan itu...nah setelah she got the point then pas presentasi dia taking control dan get credits...huh...padahal itu kan pure ide nya si ivana

Bagi yang udah kerja pasti pernahlah ngerasain orang seperti ini...and after sometimes you may learn how to deal with those people

case yang lain...yang lebih seru...wes and maria

orang-orang yang join the apprentice so pasti selected people...liat aja dari profesi dan jabatan mereka...pasti punya capability dan ability yang bisa di highlight...tapi pada saat mereka dalam team dan harus memegang peran yang berbeda...the conflict is real in there.. a team leader punya beberapa i watched the show i can pointing some of his weakness...

Bad idea...the design stage was bad...seharusnya design section itu memegang peranan yang penting untuk create good idea dan juga me-minimize failure pada saat action...liat saja team yang lain *ivana's team* mereka bener" sit down and talk...

Lack of Control...wes as team leader has no control over his team members...sehingga begitu maria taking over the control...he was immediately turned OFF...

Poor a leader dia seharusnya membantu team untuk kompak dan focus pada goal...but it end up with conflict a team member bener" bossy...

Lack of Submissive...sikap bossy maria yang taking ovel control from wes sungguh sangat embaracing...gak hanya untuk wes tapi juga the other team members...sandy and andy...yang jelas submissive si maria low banget

Bossy...of course setelah dia taking over control...then she started to act as a boss...give command to others and shut down the leader...great!!! *sinis*

Poor judgement...karna keputusan yang dibuat last minutes dan sikap bossy dia yang mengakibatkan her jugdement led to the loss...

wiiiuhhhhhh...what a show...

In Fact...the problems in the apprentice are as real as in the working site...cuman menurutku gak hanya di working site aja...dalam hidup sehari" pun terjadi...

Sometimes aku ngalamin dilema yang sama seperti maria...saat harus submissive pada leader yang bias yang somehow aku pikir mereka wasting my time

Hard to shut myself down...especially...not to complain...moreover...not to taking over the control....hehehehe....

Bulan lalu aku sempat discuss seru ama 2 temanku *ivan dan elvira*...tentang submissive...dan clue yang kita dapat adalah..kita tetap harus submissive...

based on this...
"obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you" -Hebrews 13:17-

Sometimes emang difficult even hard...tapi our leader juga akan belajar from all the circumstances untuk bagaimana lead in the right way...klo after sometimes mereka tetep aja dengan pola yang sama...let's sit and talk...of course in the good manner...klo pun it doesn't work...

Let's send them a prayer...

hehehehe...sulit untuk dilakukan...tapi kita tidak pernah berhasil klo tidak dimulai dengan action kan?!...hehehehe...well...let's do some action...


Anonymous said…
Kita di Indo baru sampe di Apprentice yang pertama, Ri. Jadi apa yang Ria cerita disini aku sama sekali blank.. soal Wes dan Maria ini :) Tapi sepertinya si Maria ini mirip Omarosa yang di Apprentice 1 ya? Di kantorku untungnya nggak ada yang mirip2 dia sih.. tapi kalo yang carmuk banyak.. Hehe.. but I am not one of them lho..

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