
These last few days...i have gone through many different situation, met many different people with their own problems...not only that...i just realized that i have my own problems inside me...

Those all made me see life in different angle..
Those all made me think like this...

we are started to requires for happiness when we are struggle
we are started to give the great love to our love one when they are no longer with us
we are started to missing people we love when they are not around
we are started to looking for friends when nobody we can count as a friend
we are started to satify our appetitte when only limited food we can eat
we are started to demanding for peace when we are in chaotic situation

...like usual...

...Remorse always come late...

Enjoy our happiness now and don't wait until tommorow
Showering our love one with love while they are with us
Caring dan respect our friends so we can keep them as our friends forever
Enjoy the food properly so the joy of eating will last for a long time
Enjoy the peace life we have before it's too late

This kind of thinking make me want to do and to be better every single day...

anita berhasil menjabarkan postingan ini dengan baik jadi sekalian mampir ke blog-nya anita yaa...Thanks to you anita ^^


Flona said…
horeee nomer satu *yay* hmm good stuff Ri, thanks for the posting yaa
Aiko's Mom said…
ria... duh kata-katanya bagus banget:)

Enjoy our happiness now and not wait for tommorow
---> setuju ria, ngapain kita mesti nunggu besok kalo hari ini kita bisa bahagia.. rugi banget, wong idup cuman sehari:)

Caring dan respect our friends so we can keep them as a friends forever ----> ini lebih setuju lagi, karena nyari temen baik itu susah sekali... kalo emang ada yang bener-bener baik dan mengerti kita, tentunya kita harus keep them as a friends forever:) tapi kalo mereka tidak suka dan mencampakkan kita, bukan salah kita tentunya.. toh ituh pilihan mereka.. kita sudah berusaha:)

GBU Ria.. take care yah... gimana kabar Spore ria? pasti tambah asyik yah...
Anonymous said…
Showering our love one with love while they are with us <--- ini yg bikin aku suka sedih ri, keluargaku jauh semua, aku suka takut lho terjadi apa2 yg tidak dikehendaki. kalo ada apa2 aku gak bisa ngapa2in karena jauh :((

kalo lg bete biasanya aku mikir, hey ada org yg lebih buruk nasibnya daripada kita, makanya bersyukurlah....

nie said…
halo kk Ria...
THank you ya postingnya. It cools my heart :)
This week has been a hard week to go through... Kalo bukan Dia yg menguatkan, Sherly bener2 ga kuat...
Makasih ya utk perhatiannya, kak.
GBU and met weekend yah!
Aiko's Mom said…
allow my sis:)
duh jadi maluw nih daku dipuji ria, seharusnya.. aku yang memuji dikau karena kata-kata yang kamu tulis itu bener-bener bagus.. dan aku jadi ada ide buat nulis *_° *HUGS....*

btw, aku mo ngucapin met wiken yah buat Ria dan keluarga.. muahhhhhhhh:) dari Aiko dan aku.. GBU...

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