
... wajah saya udah gak seperti dulu lagi
... bentuk badan saya gak sebagus dulu lagi
... rambut saya sudah mulai gak terawat
... kulit saya berubah

these all are the signs of WIFE and MOM
i have gave up all of that in exchange of happiness as wife and mom

... someday warna rambut ikut berubah
... tekstur kulitpun berubah
... bentuk badan tidak lagi seindah dulu

i wish at that time...i have husband and kids...
they don't care how pretty i am and nice shape i have...
coz my love and caring is the thing they enjoy the most...

Jesus...thank you for everything...i can't ask for more...


Anonymous said…
waaahh...... bener2 terinspirasi deh baca tulisan kakak.... :D
fany said…
Berkali-kali "singgah" disini, akhirnya ada posting-an
Thanks ya...postingnya bener2 encouraging me as a mom and a wife..
Seneng lihat Becky sehat dan ceria banget dan Calvin yang sehat.

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