Calvin and Becky

Calvin dan Becky 2 anak yang berbeda…

Calvin independent dan out spoken…Becky at the other side..soft-gentle girl but can be rough some times…hehehehe…

Jaman Calvin…aku cuma punya 2 persiapan…english dan spirit…English: aktifkan English dia dan tambah banyak kosakata…Spirit: we gave him impression that school is cool…

First Day at school…99% anak nangis semuanya…kecuali Calvin dan Gabriel…mereka berdua malah menikmati meanan baru yang gak ada dirumah…coba ini dan itu sementara semua anak nangis penuh ketakutan…

Sejak hari pertama…Dia ikut school bus dan gak pernah nangis sama sekali…malah merasa diri cool *hahahahaha that’s my Calvin*

Becky…I have so many preparations…She can’t talk *communicate* but She can sing well…compare to Calvin she can sing and memorized many songs better that Calvin…

I just couldn’t teach her to talk…she refuse to say anything when I’m asking her to repeat my words instead she leans on me and ask me to hug *oh girl!*…so I assign Calvin to be her teacher…in this way I can see she start to talk…Calvin always available to be her teacher *love u son*…anytime-every where…He even initiate to teach even though I’m not around *such a big helper*

2.5 bulan sebelum sekolah dimulai…aku mulai latih Becky bangun pagi dan mandi…abis gitu anter abangnya ke school bus…let her get used to those activities and familiar with all the faces that she will encounter every day…

She is OK with morning activities but not with the people…*hmmm*…got to work hard to bring her out from her comfort zone…

No matter how hard it is…I’ll be there for her…


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