Praying for Stranger

Today...i was in the hospital lift...and there were 4 of us...3 women and 1 man...
1 young lady was crying...i can see she was trying to overcome the feeling but the tears keeps running down her cheeks...

it was not the first time i encounter this situation...deep inside i really want to do something for them...but everytime i stop myself not to do anything coz i always afraid of their responses...they might think that i'm so 'kaypoh' (busybody) i always escape the situation without doing anything...

today...the urge feeling from inside force me to say when only two of us in the lift...i try to say something and be prepared with the reply....

me: "are you OK?!"
the lady: "Yes Yes Yes i'm just that..."
i can see she is smiling but the eyes shows a broken soul and her face shows a great pain...

the lady continue:"it's my husband...his condition getting worse...and...and...i'm so worry..."
i reached out to her...embrace her...and...she was crying again...
i lost my word and i can only say "be strong"

i left her near the lift as i have to send something to the clinic...and moreover...i don't know what to do...

but something inside force me again..this time very strong..."go back and pray for her!"

i was like "what?!"...those typical questions pop-up in my mind:
.she might be a non-believer
.what should i say?!
.she might reject me...bla...bla...bla

as my mind struggling with those feet brought me out and found her...

she was there...wiping her tears and trying hard to overcome her feeling...

i smile to her...she smile back to me...
i hold her hands...she hold mine...its more like squeezing...

i don't know where the power came...but then i tell her "do u want me to pray for you"...this time she nodded

i pull her to the corner and start to pray with my broken english...well i speak english but seldom pray in english...but the words just like well-arranged and flew out nicely from my mouth...i can feel the presence of God...we both shaking and broke in the joy overwhelm us...

after Amen...she pull me and hold me tight...she whispered "thank you..."

after a few words then we say goodbye...and she told me "i believe..."

she might be a believer or not...well i don't know and i don't have to know...beyond that is God's part to deal with...

as for me...i'm soooo happy...i can't describe the feeling...but its so good...yes....its so good...i can feel that one stronghold has been broken...i have overcome my fear of showing affection to strangers...and...i learn that people are not always strong like in my mind...they need somebody *even stranger* to share their pain...

and...if you are in pain....God always has His way to reaching out to just have to believe!


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