we've been blessed with many teaching
we've been testified our faith
we've been strengthen with God's words...through the years of praying

Thanks God...we came to this day...

the TESTING of FAITH day!

early this morning...
we went to registered Calvin to one of the school the left in the list
as we sitting down many couple show up...more and more...

26 available for 44 applicants!
this is the last stage as only a few no. of school still open
with a few seat available with a big no. of applicants *seruuuu*

as we sitting down we saw...

. one applicant rejected because they have no immunisation certificate as the kid was born in India
. one applicant turn down coz the parents doesn't have proper work permit
. one applicant send home because the father doesn't have original passport
. the couple next to us share their struggle to pay the school fees

despite the fact they are our competitors for the seat...we reach out to them and tell them some solutions for them...

a mom shaking and crying as she learn that the chances for the kids came down to zero...

. we just got out from our seat and try to do something for them
. standing by their side and comforting her
. saw her eyes with a great hope as we share the solutions

it's a blessing!!!

instead of sitting down and being worry about Calvin's school...helping them makes me count my blessing...

it was only 5 mins for us to complete the registration...while the other table...other couple still struggle...

it doesn't mean God bless us and not them...
through this circumstances...bring us out from our own struggle to help each other...and...they as people in foreign land can find strength...it was a wonderful experience!

as the day goes...

we find out...the chances for Calvin to get the school getting smaller...

this evening...

i lift up my eyes to the sky...
wondering why am i so composed at this moment
while other people that known our case response with panic

then i talk to my Jesus...

"Jesus...evil tempted me so much....to crying with my hopeless...panic...praying with my worries...which You for sure will understand my trouble mind..."

"Yes u have heard our prayer over the years...and...i think u had enough of hearing that...so today...i won't tell You one more time...

"Today oh Lord...i want to give you something...that i never did in the past...i stand here right now tell you : I BELIEVE IN YOU!"

"help me oh Lord...only You can help me to stand with my faith and go through this uncertainties"

tomorrow...the balloting result will come out
today...i don't want to trouble my mind and my sleep...coz...



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