
Showing posts from July, 2013

Heart Checking

problem detected a person that... . occasionally go to church . seldom pray . never fasting . never giving . living the life happily but not Christly then... that anyhow prayer...GOT ANSWERED! it makes spiritually sick -_-! symptoms: anxiety ! ........................................................................................................................ LAB: ------------------------------- heart checking start . confused with the circumstances . jealous with that person . angry towars God after i have done all the spiritual duty but my prayer haven't been answered yet ------------------------------- heart checking finish Result: 1. disassociation found between mind-heart and understanding 2. disconnection between circumstances and conclusion 3. unrelated-unnecessary- imbalance feeling ........................................................................................................................ time to see the DOCTOR coz onl


MORE Sermon Serial #1 MORE THAN PAST *click here* you may see   the notes   as well #2   MORE THAN WONDERS *click here* you may see the notes as well #3 MORE THAN BEAUTY + BRAIN *next Sunday* blessed as you listen...

My Sister

My youngest sister... Susan : . she is simple yet strong . Simple ...she has nothing againts her siblings orders *especially me* . Strong ...other than brothers and sister...she is a strong-willed person *especially to Dad* so you know who ruled over her! *hahahahahaha* this little-sweet sister just back to Surabaya after fulfilled "her duty - my order" to taking care of my kids while i'm away...hehehehe...she follow every instruction i gave and even for something simple like playing with them...Thank you sis! i learn one thing from our sister's relation . i knew she has 'little money' when she come here since she still a student . i knew she has her own 'shopping list' in here . i knew she has tight budget yet . she has no objection-complain-rejection when i need cash! . my bad habit: i don't like to carry cash around . sometimes...i  dig in her wallet until it finish...unknowingly *hahahaha bad me!* i learn that s

Trend Rohani...

. lebih mengejar KARUNIA ketimbang KARAKTER lebih suka meningkatkan KARUNIA ROH sampe lupa BUAH ROH lebih penting . lebih senang NUBUATAN ketimbang FIRMAN Tuhan padahal NUBUATAN bisa SALAH sedangkan FIRMAN pasti BENAR . lebih senang KATA" MOTIVASI ketimbang FIRMAN KATA" MOTIVASI sifatnya TEMPORARY sedangkan kekuatan FIRMAN mengerjakan KEKEKALAN . berkat materi dipakai untuk mengukur doa yang terjawab sedangkan Tuhan membentuk anaknya lewat kesusahan . membuat DOKTRIN BARU dari pengalaman hidup com'on...ALKITAB sempurna! . sibuk melayani tapi pengertian akan firman dan karakter diabaikan pelayanan bisa datang kapan saja dan dengan cara apa saja...saat Tuhan percayakan...tapi fokus dan usaha mengerti firman dan pembentukan karakter itu bagian paling penting yang harus kita kerjakan

harus diakui: SAYA MALU!

but i feels GOOD! *hehehe*   minggu ini...i'm back to my world!...Mommy's World! minggu ini...i'm back to my ministry world minggu ini tanpa direncakan... bertemu dengan orang" yang aku layani...yet...mengajarkan perkara "kerendahan hati"... He knows everything - i know nothing! .............................................. KRONOLOGI dimulai ........................................ SELASA sore... . appointment dengan seorang sahabat... . appointment itu 'terpaksa' digeser ke Rabu pagi karna ada yang lebih 'pas' dilayani sore itu ...dengan menggebu" saya sharing Bible Study ...dengan semangat orang itu mendengarkan end up :  si cantik kesel! karna pertanyaan dia tidak terjawab...              si cantik merasa sharing saya buat dia tambah bingung...hahahahahaha...*great* ...dia tambah penasaran dan gak terima dengan pengajaran ...saya juga bingung dan penasaran apa sih jawabannya malu iya. kesel ama diri sendir


mertua dan menantu *cewek* ... ada aja deh masa 'adaptasi' yang gak enak ... banyak kali rasa 'benar' dalam diriku dibuktikan 'salah' oleh Tuhan ... perlu penundukan diri untuk proses ini pagi ini... setelah 9 taon jadi menantu... Mertua tercinta *caileeeeeee* kirim SMS memberkati dengan kata" yang buat air mata berlinang... parumaen hasian, pos roham da ahape napinarsintani rohamuna nadua ingkon tangihononni Tuhantado pangidoanmuna tagogoima martangiang da asa dilehon bisuk jla hapistaran laho marmudu-mudu anak & boru naung dipasahat tu hamu nadua, sai di pasu-pasu Tuhantama hamu dahat tunasari matua Amin    butuh Torkis untuk terjemahin ini...hehehehe... so much change in our relation when we put God in the center of it Thank you Mamak

Escape Accident

my first experience with the kids: separated by the sea .overnight!. i know well what is 'FULL TIME' mom means .literally!.   since my kids were born...I am a FULL TIME mom around the clock ...never leave them alone. Daddy have travelled  anywhere even cross the continent but not for desire is always be with them and if i go then we are all go together...that makes me happy! after all the discussion and arrangement...i don't have choice other than to leave them behind for one day i'm OK with that but not my mind . the anxiety start to trouble my mind . my mind picturing the all possibilities "how if" and i'm just go with it...NO effort to stop it! . the more i think about it the more anxiety i felt on the top of it...many people talking about "the big earthquake" that haunted the region *Oh NO!* "things getting worst when you don't stop the evil in the first place before he feed your mind with his plan!&quo

my MAN @ Bible Study

view: . he was sitting next to me . gave FULL attention on the teaching . actively take notes on BS's papers this view is NOT new! i've seen it so many times...but...last night something unlock my mind . He is hungry for God . passionately about God . God put so much desire in his heart about Him . enough is not the word! He keep actively looking for deeper understanding and wisdom about God's word Silently i pray with a thankful heart... "Thank you Jesus for so much changes in much Godly changes in him...You change him much more than my pray...much more than i can imagine..."

Rebecca and Name

Recently...Rebecca learn about our names... . Saturday morning she woke up and saw Torkis was not on the bed...she went to another room and found Torkis was sleeping she shout-sing...shouting that more like singing: " Toooorrrrkkkiiiiiissss...wake uuuuuuuuuuppppppp!" Torkis woke up and LOL . Sunday afternoon She went out from Sunday School class and saw Torkis from a distance...and....with a happy-voice-tone...she says: "Toooooorrrrrkiiiiiiiiiiissssssss..." Torkis was surprised and speechlesss...the only thing he can do was laughing... .................................................... hem! something is wrong here...but...before i make a move...Calvin jump in and take over my place by saying this: "Rebecca you can't call him Torkis...He is our call him Daddy" Rebecca noded and echoing him "Daddy!" OK! save my breath...i have assistant now...good job Calv!

Something for my PAPA

Torkis gave me a wonderful idea by bringing my father to witness me doing my first-dream-job that idea makes me melt! i realise... . not only me waiting for more than 9 years...he was waiting with me through the years...unknowingly! . since the day i got my Master was him standing by my side sharing the same dream that his daughter will do 'something'...something that makes him proud! . he has  unspeakable desire towards me! . in fact...his little girl decided to went down to the zero ground by taking the roles to be a housewife...i knew that decision makes him upset but he has nothing againts it...insted he respect our decision! . after 9 is not only me rejoice for the breakthrough...he also stand by my side...invisible...celebrating my achievement with a happy heart! . i don't know yet whether he will be there or not...but...I thank God for this opportunity to makes him proud . this is undescribable-unspeakable feeling...

a Mother's Journey

University Time Saya suka sekali terlibat dalam banyak kegiatan...selain kuliah...bahkan sampe kuliah master juga masih aja terlibat kegiatan ini-itu...sampe pernah sekali yang jagain kos heran trus tanya ke teman" kos "mbak Ria masih nge-kos disini ya?!" ...hahahahaha....secara saya pergi pagi pulang malam...kampus jadi tempat kos saya yang kedua...hahahahahaha... Satu saat dalam BTS di Bangkok...teman kuliah saya Heidi dari Sweden bilang bgini "i can see you in the next few years will be a career woman! ...well Heidi you are wrong now Marriage Life Sejak hari pertama menikah...kita udah planning punya anak...dan...saya mulai kehilangan semangat cari kerja lagi...tapi karna gak dapat anak...akhirnya kerja juga...kerjanya sih gak lama...dan taon kedua kita menikah saya hamil... Waktu hamil...Torkis dan aku...banyak pakai waktu untuk sharing. diskusi dan set komitmen kita ke depan...satu per satu kita bahas...dan...akhirnya ambil keputusan bersama . i w

Dream Job!

Finally... . after 9 years being a housewife . after 6 years being a full-time mom God gave me another privilege to do my dream job ever! . the ticket has been booked . the material done . this time my lifetime partner will be my teamwork as well never imagine before its gonna be this awesome! to all full-time mom out there: never stop dreaming and praying!!! as for me: nothing can replace my no.1 Job : Housewife and full-time Mom! that dream job i count as a bonus from God :)

I lost the grip...

I was and is a human right warior...most of the time for myself *xixixixixi* Ho Ho Ho...every one surround knows me well... or if someone do it to another person...i will stand in the gap *warior!* after being in the front line fighting for my right...this is how i feel right now If someone misunderstand me ...i don't fell the urge put everything in the right box If someone talk bad about me ...i don't feel like i have to come clear of everything If someone underestimate me ...i don't feel like i have to show off my abilities or what ever it is or If someone done something bad what?!...i also a sinner! If someone confess ...WOW! that's great! If someone  stubborn ...let it be! God have His own ways for them what's wrong?! I HAD ENOUGH OF THOSE ANOOYING-TEMPORARY-SATISFY FEELING! after learn from the great lesson recently... I LOST THE GRIP ! wonder why?! but in fact it's just happened...after i come out from the great tribulat

Jesus or His blessing?

Lately... some questions play in my mind... what satisfy me in life? my family? spending time with my husband and kids are precious to me... never fail to pray quietly...Thank you God for the family i have They are my love and my life my big family? my parents and my in niece... having something for them...see them happy just makes my heart happy my dream work? i've been a housewife for 9 years... i've been devoted my life to my husband and the kids... after 9 years... God open the way for me and now i'm doing my dream work since i was a kid : teaching the excitement reaching highest level my ministries? seeing people been touched by God's love turn they heart to Jesus llife changing makes me wanting to be Jesus's partner even more my overseas holiday? well everyone knows . how happy when you go overseas for holiday . how thrilled my heart when we go the new place feels like 'butterfly in my tum